Leave thank in advance, but today's data is pretty shocking. To Japanese media, good head with college, I should have worked the knowledge and intelligence rich people. And, people who want to believe even a little, we recommend that you not read to.
Well, the public generally recent Japan is a dangerous, for crime, especially aimed at children has increased, parents with children of age do not do not care. Impression that is, you have somehow been received as of common sense.
As a matter of fact, it does not forgive crime aimed at children is weak. perpetrators of crime that child becomes a victim, even became 須Ku the death penalty, I do not pain at all mind. Nante has continued increasing crime aimed at such lowest worst child, what Japan'm outrageous in the bad country! In the past it was not an anti-it!
As such, the general of the Japanese, especially baby boomers around is my parents' generation'll be convinced firmly. Also my mother to say nuclear, recently has a firm belief that crime aimed at children is increasing, she is exactly this state as it is, because "recently are increasing crime aimed at children, careful and he says "is, it became a chance to write this article.
Well, the concept of this blog is not trapped in the "impression" of the media Yara world, is to verify the proper data. Example by, most reliable as crime statistics in Japan, let's look at the National Police Agency statistics. or crime that child becomes the victim, Will really really growing?
From 2003, the statistics up to 2007 first half, we were graphed.
The access from the mobile phone such as, for those who graph does not look, also will introduce more of the number.
<2007 first half from the crime victim number 2003, the victim is a child>
2003 385,762 items
2004 356,426 items
2005 326,042 items
2006 309,104 items
2007 (first half) 139,427 items
... And Thats has decreased.
Previously, the most safe country the fact that crime (Japan) has decreased in the world, and juvenile crime is I was demonstrated in the data of the fact that decreased in Japan.
"Reality that crime in the safest country in the world has been reduced."
"Lie that juvenile cases has increased"
Because the whole of crime has decreased, it's a natural Speaking of obvious, but the crime aimed at children in Japan has began to decrease.
By the way, if you write this kind of thing, also "it might have gone less crime is, violent crime has increased" without even trying to see the data so you come out fool Sayo to argue that, by writing in advance Put.
<The first half of 2007 from the murder victim number 2003 victim is a child>
2003 156
2004 181
2005 151
2006 156
2007 (first half) 60 reviews
Certainly it is not temporarily were many as "30" than other years in 2004, but then it was reduced to 150 before and after also said the average number. 2007, when going at this pace, what about 120 items a little. In any case, people who have this data to argue that "continues to grow" is, let's give it certified with the poor people can not read the numbers.
For crime that child becomes a victim, "suspicious person?" of Kobunsha is I have put a very would be helpful statistics. 0-4-year-olds, and for 5-9-year-olds it is injury incident that became the victim (including death), I data from 1984 to 2004 has been published.
According to it, injury cases children became victims in 1984 (the first year investigation) peak, about 180 people 0-4-year-olds, is 5-9-year-olds was about 80 people. Then, it continues to decrease As you can imagine the number of you, about 60 people 0-4-year-olds to 95 around, hit the 5-9-year-olds is about 20 people and the bottom, then the number of victims has almost constant. In other words, the 0-9-year-olds of about 80 people a year in Japan will become a thing that has been involved in a fault incident.
Unfortunately, living is after all more than 100 million human beings, yet I recently have been increasing high foreign crime rate. That's as long as you do not want to manage the society in absolutism as China during the Cultural Revolution, will not be able to prevent the crime in which the children and the target of 100%.
But, "because recently a growing number of crimes aimed at children, careful," my mother had to mouth, any unfounded Untrue, I will be in that haphazard. Certainly crime aimed at children is as long as tragic, but lie must not, lie.
By the way, example by, I will If if had lied in the media does not know the facts and "ignorant person", you know referred to as a "traitor" if had lied have. If that has been tentatively identified as "ignorant person", because I think lack of ability to work in the media, we recommend the career change.
In summary for Japan of crime-related data, it will be as follows.
■ Japan domestic crime, and crime by the boy has continued to decline year after year
■ crime that child becomes the victim has also continued to decline year after year
■ crime area that continues to grow in Japan, is almost the only crimes by foreigners
■ Therefore, the crime rate is high Chinese in Japan, Koreans in Japan including the Koreans, and tightening of visa issuance for such as Brazilian, and the implementation of criminals deported, further security enhancements in Japan It is most effective in
In media professionals and (self-proclaimed) experts, who want to refute this logic, we ask to have the data.